How to Properly Steep Tea Bags Featured Image

10 Interesting Facts You Should Know About How to Properly Steep Tea Bags

Brewing tea is one of life’s simple hacks, but surprisingly, many people don’t know how to properly steep tea bags.

There are various dos and don’ts when it comes to steeping a teabags.

See, some people think that the critical thing in tea preparation is just about brewing great-tasting tea, but this isn’t the case.

What’s more important in tea brewing is ensuring that you extract more components from tea leaves to reap most tea benefits.

Knowing how to steep a tea bag correctly is the key to turning a simple tea break into a delightful and enjoyable moment

According to science, it’s possible to extract the best flavors and beneficial components from tea when you brew it correctly.

This article explains what steeping really is and the best way to steep a teabag to help you enjoy a perfect cup of tea every time.

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How to Steep Tea Bags

Teabags are a great way to enjoy a steaming cup of tea, especially when on the go. The bags come in different blends to suit individual needs.

How to Steep Tea Bags

While you can boil water and pour it over a teabag to make your tea, you may not get your desired taste. You have to steep it to the right extent to enjoy your morning cup.

In case you are not sure how you can perfectly steep your tea bags, here is a step-by-step guide to help you out:

Mastering the Brew: How Long Should You Steep Tea for Optimal Flavor?

Tea TypeTemperatureSteeping TimeQuality
Green Tea160-180°F (70-80°C)2-3 minutesDelicate flavor, light color
Black Tea200-212°F (93-100°C)3-5 minutesRobust and full-bodied flavor, dark color
White Tea160-185°F (70-85°C)2-3 minutesSubtle and sweet flavor, pale color
Oolong Tea185-205°F (85-96°C)3-5 minutesComplex and varied flavor, golden color
Herbal Tea212°F (100°C)5-7 minutesStrong and aromatic flavor, deep color
Yellow Tea158-176°F (70-80°C)2-3 minutesGentle and mellow flavor, yellow color
Puerh Tea200-212°F (93-100°C)3-5 minutesEarthy and mature flavor, dark color
Rooibos Tea212°F (100°C)5-7 minutesSweet and nutty flavor, red color
Mate Tea150-180°F (65-80°C)3-5 minutesBold and grassy flavor, green color
Darjeeling Tea185-195°F (85-90°C)3-4 minutesMusky and fruity flavor, light to golden color
Assam Tea200-212°F (93-100°C)4-5 minutesRich and malty flavor, dark color
Chai Tea212°F (100°C)5-7 minutesSpicy and warming flavor, dark color
Jasmine Tea160-180°F (70-80°C)2-4 minutesFragrant and sweet flavor, light color

Essential Considerations for the Perfect Cup of Tea:

  1. Start with fresh, cold water. The quality of your water makes a big difference in how your tea tastes.
  1. Don’t brew all teas the same way. Follow the instructions on the package for that specific tea. Steeping times and temperatures vary.
  2. Avoid oversteeping and bitterness. If you want a stronger tea, use more leaves instead of steeping longer.
  3. Pay attention to temperature. Each tea type has an ideal water temperature. Too hot or cold equals weak or bitter tea.
  4. The quality of your tea leaves is a direct contributor to your tea’s taste. Investing in higher quality leaves can elevate your tea-drinking experience.
  5. Try multiple steeps with green and white teas. Each steep brings out new flavors.
  6. Store tea properly in a cool, dry spot. This keeps the leaves fresh and tasty.

Step 1: Gather All That You Need

Before you start preparing anything, ensure you have everything that you need.

Start by finding suitable water. You are not going just to use any water. Hard water has some minerals mixed in it that will interfere with the final taste of your tea. Pure water will not steep very well and may result in a less tasty tea.

If you can find spring water, you will be at the right starting point. But if all you have is tap water, you can use a water filter to filter it for brewing.

Other requirements include a teacup, tea bags, and a kettle. Once you have all these requirements, now you can proceed to the next step.

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Step 2: Heat Your Water

Take your water and filter it into the kettle, and heat it. Different types of tea require different temperatures. However, for most types of tea, the water should not boil completely.

Boiling water is likely to over-extract your tea, making it a little bitter, while warm water will not steep your tea properly.

Step 3: Add the Tea Bag and Let It Steep

Put your tea bags in a teacup and pour the hot water over it. Allow it to steep for around five minutes.

The steeping duration will depend on several factors, including your taste preference, the type of tea, and the water temperature.

Different tea types have different steeping periods. Always read the instructions on the package to be precise.

If your water is very hot, you will steep for a shorter time. Hot water will react faster with the tea particles and can taste bitter if left to steep for more extended periods.

Warm water will not steep the tea very fast, thus longer steeping periods are necessary.

You may choose to cover your cup with a sauce or leave it open. However, if you cover it, you will preserve some of the sweet flavors and aromas.

Step 4: Pour and Enjoy

It’s recommended that you first taste the tea to know when the steeping process has reached your desired taste.

If it tastes better, you can go ahead and add your drop of honey, sugar, or even a splash of milk. It all depends on your preferences.

Having known how to steep tea bags, continue reading to discover 10 interesting facts about how to properly steep tea bags!

1. Steeping a Tea Bag Essentially Means Soaking It

You may have seen phrases like “steep your teabag for two minutes or don’t over-steep your tea,” which left you confused about what steeping really is.

To steep something means soaking it, mostly in water. In the world of tea, steeping simply means preparing a cup of tea.

You can steep a tea bag in water or milk to prepare your favorite cup of tea. All you have to do is take a tea bag with dry tea leaves and put it in hot water in a teapot or a mug.

Then let it soak for about two minutes before removing the teabag to enjoy your cup of tea.

2. Steeping a Tea Bag for Too Long Leads to Bitter Tea

While people steep tea according to their liking, there is a recommended steeping time for each type of tea.

Steeping teabags too long

The average steeping time for most types of tea is usually 3 to 5 minutes. For tea bags, however, the best steeping time is usually within 2 minutes.

Keep in mind that tea bags come with tiny tea particles that deliver a faster infusion. If you steep a tea bag for a long time, you’ll end up with undrinkable bitter tea.

Health researchers suggest that brewing tea within the recommended time can help you reap more health benefits or get the best flavor.

If you drink tea specifically to stay healthy, you should never let your tea bag steep for more than two minutes.

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The tea steeped for about two minutes can help improve vascular reactivity and offer more antioxidants, which are beneficial to your health.

If you drink tea purposely for caffeine, experts recommend steeping your tea for about three to four minutes to get high caffeine content.

For those who drink tea because it tastes good, 1 to 3 minutes is enough to extract great tea flavors from a tea bag.

While you might think that you can improve the tea flavor by steeping for a longer time, the results won’t be pleasing at all.

The truth is that you don’t have to steep your tea bag for a long time to extract delicate flavors. Most tea components that boost the flavor infuse within the first two minutes of steeping.

3. You Can Steep a Tea Bag a Multiple Times

Can you use a tea bag twice? Well, it’s time we demystify the misconception that you shouldn’t steep a tea bag even two times.

You can use your tea bag twice or thrice, especially if it has high-quality tea leaves.

If you reuse a tea bag with high-quality tea, you’ll notice that the second or third time actually produces some unique flavors and tasting notes.

To reuse a tea bag, there is one rule you will want to follow to ensure that you get the best results. Once you finish brewing for the first time, remove the tea bag from the cup or a teapot and leave it to drip excess water.

Leaving the tea bag to dry will help prevent it from becoming bitter. Remember, if you steep a tea bag multiple times without giving it time to drip out the water, you’ll be extracting less flavor.

how long to steep tea bag

Each time you steep the tea bag in hot water, the caffeine level reduces. So, steeping a tea bag for the third time may not give you too much of an energy rush. 

If you plan to reuse your tea bag, it’s also important to ensure that you keep it in a safe and healthy condition. That’s why experts recommend reusing a tea bag within 24 hours.

Leaving your tea bag to dry for over 24 hours may not be worth it. If you don’t plan to reuse it shortly after the first use, you can store your tea bag in the refrigerator.

Moreover, the steeping time may change when reusing a tea bag. You’ll want to let the tea bag steep longer when using it for the second time.

Of course, you should expect the first steeping to produce the strongest flavor. The second cup will still have an excellent taste, but not as strong as the first one.

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4. Tea Bags Can Be Used to Make Cold Tea

If you enjoy drinking cold or iced tea, you can steep tea bags in cold water. Tea steeped in cold water is usually more aromatic with less bitterness.

teabags in a tea

Cold tea brew also has a higher antioxidant content essential in the body as it protects cells from free radicals.

However, a lower steeping temperature means that the brewing process will take a long time. It takes about 12 to 15 hours to brew tea in cold water.

A recent study found that steeping tea at 4 degrees Celsius for about 12 hours leads to more extraction and retention of polyphenols than 2-minute brewing in hot water.

So, you can brew cold tea to rejuvenate yourself during a hot day. If you don’t want to wait for so long, you can steep your teabag in hot water, then add ice immediately after pouring your tea in a mug.

Read More:

How to Make Iced Tea with Tea Bags

5. Tea Bags Should Be Stored in Sealed Jar to keep Their Quality

The quality of the tea you brew depends on the quality of the tea leaves. If you store your tea bags inappropriately, their quality will reduce.

Teabags can easily absorb moisture from the surroundings if they are stored in an open place.

Hence, it’s essential to store them in a sealed jar or a dry place. Avoid storing your tea bags in humid places like above the dishwasher or the refrigerator.

Teabags also absorb odor readily, and this means they shouldn’t be stored close to scented things in the house like spices.

If you don’t have a sealed container to store your tea bags, you can store them in opaque packaging materials such as paper bags.

6. Squeezing Your Tea Bag Will Make the Brew Bitter

After steeping your tea bag, you may be tempted to squeeze it and get all the liquid out of it. However, this does more harm to your drink as it makes it bitter.

Tea leaves have high levels of chemicals known as tannins, which can stain your teeth when they get your drink.

There is a higher concentration of tannins in the water trapped in the tea bag during the steeping process.

When you squeeze the tea bag, the liquid trapped in the tea bag flows into your drinking, increasing the tannin content in it.

These tannins not only do they ruin your teeth but also give your tea a terrible taste.

Along with the tannins, you also risk bursting or tearing the tea bag, which would leave you with tea leaves floating on your drink.

Besides, squeezing every last bit of the liquid out of a teabag is somewhat unsophisticated and inept.

7. You Should Steep Tea Bags in a Teapot

If you want to drink cold tea, you should brew cold or iced tea. There is no need for steeping tea in water that will slow down the extraction process.


When brewing hot tea, it’s essential to use a teapot as it helps maintain the right steeping temperature.

If you steep your tea bags in a cup, there are chances the temperature will start lowering immediately when you pour hot water in it.

By the time you finish drinking your tea that was steeped in a cup, you will realize that it’s actually cold or with less-than-ideal drinking temperature.

That’s why it’s recommended to use a teapot, as your tea will stay hot for a longer time. You can also pre-heat the teapot before adding the actual brewing water to enhance the temperature.

Once you steep your tea bags and remove them, you can then pour your tea into the cup. You will enjoy drinking tea at the right temperature.

8. Water Quality Matters Too

While the taste of tea mainly depends on the tea bags’ quality, the water you use also matters a lot.

If you want to make the best cup of tea, you’ll need to use filtered water. Tap water may have elements like fluoride and other minerals which may destroy your tea’s flavor.

9. The Steeping Technique Vary Depending on the Type of Tea

From herbal and white to green and oolong, there are many types of tea. The steeping techniques vary depending on the type of tea you are working with.

Common types of tea like black, oolong, white, and green are obtained from the Camellia sinensis plant and are available as loose leaves or tea bags.

Their taste, flavor, components, and colors differ based on how they are oxidized and dried.

On the other hand, herbal teas are infusions and decoctions got from roots, leaves, stems, herbs, flowers, and more.

The basic steeping process for herbal teas and true tea is the same, but you may need different amounts of ingredients.

The steeping time may also vary as the normal steeping time for true tea is about 2 to 5 minutes. 

Herbal teas can be steeped for up to 30 minutes, depending on the manufacturer’s instructions. 

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10. The Tea Bag’s Quality Matters: A Lot

While true tea enthusiasts refuse to admit it, most tea drinkers in the US steep their tea in tea bags.

There are plenty of shapes and styles that are used to make tea bags, and they are made from different materials.

Materials used to make tea bags include gauze, non-biodegradable nylon, silk, cornstarch, and cotton muslin.

Tea bags come in either square, rectangular, round, or pyramid shape. In the past few years, pyramid-shaped tea bags have become so popular among many brands.

The best shape and material depend on your preferences. The best way to learn what’s best for you is by sampling and trying different styles.

It’s also important to keep in mind that different tea bags come with different content. Find out what is your best type of tea, then go for tea bags with that content.


1. What happens if you steep tea too long

Over-steeping tea can make it bitter and too strong. It is best to steep it for the minimum recommended time, then taste it and add more steeping time as needed.

2. How Long Should You Let a Tea Bag Steep?

When steeping tea bags, factors such as the type of tea, taste preference, and time/temperature come into play. For instance, black tea needs 3-5 minutes to steep while green tea needs 1-3 minutes. Flavor preference is the primary determinant of how long you should steep your tea, and the longer you steep it the more bitter it will be.

3. Do You Steep Tea While Water Is Boiling

No. You cannot steep your tea while water is boiling. You have to remove the water from the fire, pour it into a teapot or cup before you begin the steeping process.
Boiling water is not recommended for steeping. Very hot temperatures will extract the tea rapidly, which will, in turn, make your tea very bitter.
Studies have also revealed that very hot water can destroy some delicate tea compounds like catechins that are very beneficial to the body.

4. Can You Steep Tea Bags in Milk?

You can steep tea bags directly in milk. The process involves the transfer of chemical molecules from a region of high concentration to one with a lower concentration.

Water is preferred for its neutral taste. Milk is a bit thicker than water and will increase the steeping time. Milk will mask most tannins, eliminating excess bitterness.

5. Can You Reuse a Tea Bag?

Yes. You can reuse tea bags a maximum of two times in 24 hours, with proper storage.

While it is very fine to reuse tea bags, their main downside is that they tend to lose their strength and flavor after the first steeping.
Teabags have finer grains that will dissolve in water very first and to a greater extent. But when you want a weaker cup, you can steep it for a shorter time, preserving the next cup’s flavor.

Another challenge while reusing the tea bags is their storage after use. It will help if you store it in the refrigerator to keep off molds that may ruin it. But make sure you drip excess water from the tea bag.

6. What does it mean to steep a tea bag?

Steeping a tea bag means soaking it in hot water for a specific period of time to extract the tea’s flavor, color, and aroma. This process ranges from 1 to 5 minutes depending on the tea type and personal taste preference.


Tea remains to be one of the most consumed drinks across the world. When on the go, many people prefer to use a tea bag to prepare a delicious drink?

Whether you like iced tea or hot brewed tea, tea bags come in handy as they are easy to steep. But there are varied delusions surrounding the use of tea bags.

If you enjoy drinking tea and appreciate simplicity in the brewing process, you can use the above guidelines to learn how to steep tea bags at home.

The key thing is ensuring that you have high-quality tea bags and use fresh, clean water to gain more tea benefits.

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