12 Things To Know About Arabica Vs Robusta Coffee Difference
Coffee has become one of the most enjoyable drinks over the years. It has become so popular among very many people. Nevertheless, what people do not get is that there are varieties of coffee beans.
The reason is that all these beans look similar after being roasted. Nevertheless, there are more than a dozen types of coffee. The two major coffee beans that are meant for drinking are Arabica and Robusta.
These are the two majorly cultivated coffees for drinking. The big question is which one is the best. This article will highlight about Arabica Vs Robusta coffee difference and you will get to know the best coffee type. This information will be beneficial to you when choosing your coffee type.
What is Coffee Arabica?
Arabica is a variety of coffee. The name comes from Arabic. This variety of coffee features complex acidity and therefore brings more variation in terms of the taste it produces. It is one of the most preferred types of coffee in the world. Arabica coffee tends to be more expensive compared to Robusta coffee.
What is Coffee Robusta?
Robusta is a variety of coffee that is the second popular. It is a variety of coffee that has low acidity and has a bitter taste. It is majorly used for instant coffee. It costs less than Arabica coffee, as it is easier to look after during the cultivation process and highlights more resilience against diseases and unfavorable weather conditions.
Arabica Coffee Types
Arabica has been divided into two varieties. These varieties are the bourbon and typical. These two varieties are the major varieties of Arabica coffee variety.
Robusta and Arabica mix
This is a mixture of Arabica coffee and Robusta. It is one of the tastiest coffee drinks. This is because of the blend of the two coffee varieties with each having its benefits.

Arabica Vs Robusta Coffee Difference You Should Know
1. Taste Ta
Arabica is known to have a very sweet taste. This fruity taste is most preferred by most people. Robusta is known to have a woody taste. This coffee variety has a bitter taste also. These two varieties do vary greatly in taste.
Robusta has been termed as a coffee variety that tastes like burnt tires of rubber. This might not be true but it just communicates the difference in taste between the two varieties. The taste is due to the difference in caffeine contents of these two varieties.
2. Sugar and lipids content
Arabia is known to have the highest lipid content. It has about 60 percent of lipids. This is twice the concentration of robust arts sugar. This is also known to have a difference in the taste between these two varieties.
3. Caffeine levels
Arabica is known to have about 1.5 caffeine content. This is different from the content that Robusta has. Robusta is known to have about 2.7 percent of caffeine. This affects the taste of the two varieties. The caffeine levels also make the Robusta type suitable for some type of people. Since Robusta has higher caffeine levels, it has a bitter taste. This is what most people are not fond of this variety.
4. Shape
When the beans are not yet crushed, there is a difference between the shapes of these two varieties. Arabica beans are a bit flat and elongated – more of an oval shape and larger with a more pronounced centre crease. Robusta beans, on the other hand are round, a bit shorter and have a less pronounced centre crease. The shapes can give you the difference between these two varieties just at a glance.
5. Quality
Arabica has been known to be of high quality. This is when it is compared to Robusta. But this does not mean that Robusta is a low quality coffee variety. Remember that these two varieties are some of the most preferred coffee varieties. Arabica coffee will have an upper hand than Robusta. This can tell why it is the most preferred type of coffee.
6. Production Per Acre
Arabica and Robusta are known to have different production per acre. Robusta produces more yields than Arabica when they are compared. If you have Arabica coffee in an acre there is a chance of harvesting 2000 to 3000 kilograms of these beans in a year.
This is after taking good care of the plant. If you have Robusta coffee, there is a possibility of harvest about 8000 kilograms of coffee beans per acre. This is because the Robusta variety yields very well and is very resistant to pests and diseases.

7. Where They Are Grown
Arabic is majorly grown in Latin American countries. It is also grown in some African countries. The total world production of Arabica is more than 60 percent. Robusta has grown in some Latin countries also. It is also grown in some parts of Africa. There are other places that these two varieties are produced but on a small scale.
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8. Plant Height
Arabica is not a tall breed. It grows to a height of about 2.5 to 4.5 meters. Robusta is different from Arabica. Its plant height is about 4.5 to 6.5 meters
9. Acidic Content
Arabica is a type of coffee variety that has high acidic content. This is very different from that of Robusta. Though Arabica is tastier than Robusta its acidic levels are higher. You do not have to get worried about these acids. The reason is that the acids found in coffee are good.
This implies that the higher the acidic levels of the coffee the better the coffee. It also has an impact on the taste of this coffee. This is the reason why Arabica is better than Robusta.
10. Price
These two coffee varieties do differ when it comes to price. When we take a look at the green beans of Arabica and green beans of Robusta, the two vary greatly. The green beans of Arabica cost twice the price of green beans of Robusta. This is due to demand.
This also brings a difference in the finished products. Arabica is more expensive than Robusta. The price difference is also based on production costs. Arabica is known to have a higher production cost than Robusta. This will have an impact on the final price of the two varieties.

11. Production
Arabica is the most produced coffee variety. It gives a total of 75 percent of the world’s coffee production. On the other hand, Robusta contributes to 25 percent of the total production. Robusta offers less labor.
This is because this is a variety that is disease resistant and it is not affected by insects greatly. Arabica can be termed as a fragile variety. This is a variety that one must have a close look at it. It is a variety that is affected by diseases greatly. If not well taken care of the yield might be affected at the final stages.
You might even end up getting nothing from the farm. The labor that is required during the production of these two varieties does vary. This is similar to the yields that the two varieties produce.
12. Growth
The best quality of Arabica coffee is always grown in high altitude places. This is a perfect condition for the growth of Arabica. Robusta can do well in lowland levels also. Higher altitudes are known to produce high quality.
There is a difference in the heights of these two varieties that also brings in the difference in yields. The time taken by these two varieties to be harvested is not different. The height of the plant is what distinguishes the two varieties while still on the farm.
Benefits of Arabica Coffee
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. This has made some scientists do deeper research on this drink. It has been known to have a significant number of benefits to one’s health. This is why most people prefer Arabica coffee.
It improves energy levels and makes you smart
Coffee is known to be a stimulant in nature. This means coffee can make you feel a bit better if you were tired. The caffeine that is found in coffee will be absorbed into the bloodstream.
This caffeine will be taken further to the brain. In the brain, this caffeine will block inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine. This will make other neurotransmitters increase therefore causing enhanced neurons firing. It will make your brain be in good condition hence it enhances mental health.
Other research done shows that coffee has a way of increasing the energy levels in the body. This is due to its stimulating factor. This makes the body works at its optimum energy levels.
Good in burning fat
If you look at any fat-burning ingredients made for commercial purposes then you will never miss caffeine in any of these products. This is because caffeine is good for burning fats.
This is made possible because caffeine is known to boost the metabolic rate by a rate of 3 to 11 percent. With an increase in metabolic rate, then it simply means there is an increase in the brake down of fats. This makes caffeine a very important element for this purpose.
Since coffee has naturally occurring caffeine in them, then this is the perfect drink for fat burning. Furthermore, taking coffee before meals also aid in food digestion. If you wanted to lose weight then this is the perfect drink for you.
Can improve your physical performance
Caffeine is known to improve the functionality of the brain. It, therefore, makes the cells to break down fat in a great ratio. Caffeine also improves the adrenaline levels in the body. This hormone prepares your body for an intense physical body extension.
The broken fats will also provide the body with fatty acids that will act as fuel. All this will make your body physical performance increase by about 11 to 12 percent at average levels. This means it is not a bad idea of taking coffee in less than an hour before you proceed to the gym.
It has some important nutrients
Taking a single cup of coffee daily is the same as adding some important nutrients to your body. This is beneficial for the proper functioning of your body. The nutrients found in a cup of coffee are vitamin B2, vitamin B5, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and even vitamin B3.
The more cups you take are the same as the more nutrients you add to your body. But this doesn’t mean that you should take lots of cups of coffee to get these nutrients. Even a cup of coffee is suitable for you.
It can help to fight depression
Depression is a very serious mental disorder. This can lead to a reduced quality of life. More people have gotten to a very serious depression that requires clinical attention. Coffee has been found to reduce depression. Taking four cups or more in a day can help you stay safe from depression.
This makes coffee very effective if you want to stay safe from depression. Coffee is known to make people happy hence it will enable you to be in the great shape of avoiding depression.
It may lower the risks of some cancers
Cancer is known to be one of the killer diseases in the world. It has posed risk to very many people. This is a disease that is caused by uncontrolled cell growth. Coffee is known to protect people against two types of cancer these are the liver and colorectal cancer.
Research shows that coffee can reduce the risks by up to 40 percent. This makes coffee a very important drink that can aid you. Liver cancer is known to be the fourth cancer infections with more number of deaths recorded. Coffee can help you in lowering the risks of cancer.
Final Thoughts
Coffee has been known due to its very many health importance but not all coffee varieties are good. The article above has highlighted some of the best coffee varieties and it is their differences. This information is very important for you in selecting what type of coffee variety you will want.
In general, if you need to choose Arabica vs Robusta coffee difference, I think Arabica is the best coffee varieties. It has very many health benefits and has gained a lot of popularity. It is one of the greatest coffee varieties to use. If you are looking for the best coffee then Arabica is all you will need.