
Best Ethiopian Coffee Beans: 10 Interesting Facts You Should Know

Ethiopia is widely acknowledged as the birthplace of coffee and most coffee enthusiasts believe that Ethiopian coffee tops the list when it comes to the best African coffee.

Being the heavyweight of African coffee, Ethiopia has various regions when great coffee is grown to produce the best coffee beans.

The most reputable coffee growing regions in Ethiopia include the district of Yirgacheffe and Sidamo.

For many years, Ethiopia has been a sort of a spiritual home for most coffee professionals.

However, Ethiopian coffee beans have different flavors ranging from brilliant acidity to winey or earthy notes. They can range from mild to boldest brews you can ever come across.

Therefore, it’s important to know the best Ethiopian coffee beans and try them out to see what suits you.

In this text, you will learn about the best Ethiopian coffee beans and discover 10 interesting facts about Ethiopian coffee beans.

Best Ethiopian Coffee Beans

Volcana Coffee, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe

The Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Volcana is a medium roast coffee with a complex taste and notes of fruit and wine.

This medium roast is sweet yet sophisticated, offering strawberry, dark chocolate, and pineapple guava notes.

Yirgacheffe coffee beans are highly trusted by coffee lovers from all over the world. These coffee beans are sourced from wild, indigenous Ethiopian coffee trees, and they are a real deal.

Brewing Volcana’s Yirgacheffe beans fill your home with floral and earthy fragrances while you enjoy sipping your robust and delightful brew.

Professional coffee enthusiasts describe the Volcana’s Yirgacheffe beans as exotic, earthy, and authentic coffee beans.

Whether or not you choose to believe it, these Ethiopian coffee beans deliver a fantastic coffee brew, and they are worth trying.

Ethiopian Coffee with Beans

You can purchase them as whole beans or as ground coffee beans to enjoy strong, flavored coffee at home

Organic Sidamo Coffee

If you love Ethiopian light roast coffee beans or have just heard about the hype surrounding this rich-tasting coffee, Organic Sidamo coffee beans are a great deal.

Roasted by Fresh Roasted Coffee, Organic Sidamo Coffee is a light roast coffee with an earthy taste with notes of blueberry, wine, and slight almond.

These organic coffee beans are sourced from the Sidamo region. When brewed, they transform into a delicious sweet treat that you can’t resist.

Out of Grey, Ethiopian Oromia Yirgacheffe

Out of Grey offers authentic, rich Ethiopian coffee beans, which are sourced from indigenous coffee plants in Yirgacheffe.

They are grown in the remote rainforest region of Southern Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Oromia Yirgacheffe coffee beans maintain the Yirgacheffe’s aspects by offering both floral and chocolaty flavor notes.

They have a sweet, crisp flavor profile that any coffee lover will enjoy while drinking coffee brewed from these beans.

When drinking this coffee, the Sandalwood and lychee notes will also delight your taste buds. The smooth hints of cocoa and a hint of spice will deliver an excellent aroma as you sip your coffee.

Out of Grey works together with the Oromia Coffee Farmers’ Co-operative Union to produce chemical-free coffee beans.

These native coffee farmers boast of chemical-free intercropping, where they grow coffee along with other plants like papaya, mangoes, cardamon, and even avocados.

In fact, the Specialty Coffee Association of America recognizes the co-operative produces more than 65% of premium arabica coffee that comes from Ethiopia.

Oromia Gomma Microlot Coffee

Oromia Gomma Microlot is a light roast coffee with a complex taste with floral, fruit, lemon, and honey notes.

These beans are a great representation of what other Ethiopian coffee has to offer in the world of coffee.

Oromia Gomma Microlot coffee beans come from Gomma, a coffee region located within Oromia in Ethiopia.

Most coffee fanatics love the fact that these beans offer an intense collection of flavor covers in a silky-smooth body.

The honey-like sweetness and vibrant sweet-tart acidity complement the floral, fruit, and lemon notes achieved with Oromia Gomma Microlot coffee beans.

This pleasing array of flavors makes your cup of coffee that is to be enjoyed by anyone.

If you want to buy the Oromia Gomma Microlot coffee beans, they are available as whole bean or ground coffee.

Klatch Coffee, Ethiopian Halo Beriti

Klatch Coffee is almost similar to the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe bean sourced from Gedeb. It offers the same distinct fruity profile of authentic Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee beans.

These Ethiopian coffee beans deliver ultra-fine, pleasing flavor of pawpaw and cherry along with extended notes of mango.

Klatch Ethiopian Coffee Roasters obtain their beans from a third-generation family-owned business accredited for various charitable efforts towards coffee growers in Ethiopia.

They also have enough connections that enable them to work with the first and only private state-of-the-art- SCA Certified coffee quality control lab on the African continent.

If you are looking for premium Ethiopian coffee beans that deliver rich-tastes and strong flavors, Klatch Coffee Beans are for you.

Wild Sidamo Coffee

Wild Foods takes a fully natural approach to bring Ethiopian coffee lovers their rich-tasting Wild Sidamo coffee from the Sidamo coffee region of Ethiopia.

This Ethiopian coffee brand deserves all respect for its ingredient source transparency and its great quality coffee beans.

The Wild Sidamo Coffee is a medium roast coffee that delivers a rich taste with notes of fruit and berries.

If you are looking for a rich combination of a fruity delight and mild wine-toned acidity, you can’t go wrong with these coffee beans.

Wild foods offer their coffee beans as whole beans that you can brew in any typical coffee brewing device.

You can make it your everyday coffee since it has low-to-medium acidity with creamy and fruity body notes.

Square One Coffee, Ethiopian Layo Taraga

These medium roast coffee beans are brought to you by Square One, an award-winning micro-roaster from Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Hyping the motto “do good work,” Square One offers a premium Ethiopian coffee bean that provides a delightful Citrus bergamia aroma that’s classified as sweet with brilliant acidity.

Square One reveals that they proudly and ethically source their coffee beans directly from well-known washing stations and individual farmers in Haro Wachu, Ethiopia.

These Ethiopian coffee beans go through rigorous, hand-selective sorting to eliminate all the defective or damaged beans.

You can be sure that every bean in your Square one Ethiopian coffee is of the right quality.

Yirgacheffe Birhanu Coffee

Yirgacheffe Birhanu is a medium roast coffee roasted by Cubico Coffee. It offers a complex taste with lime, floral, and dark chocolate notes.

While there are countless Ethiopian coffee brands out there, Cubico Coffee offers you special coffee beans.

Their organic coffee beans are set apart by the intense flavor profile that they are famous for. This makes the Birhanu roasters stand out among most Yirgacheffe coffee brands.

If you are a coffee drinker, you should try brewing the Yirgacheffe Birhanu coffee beans for a perfect drink.

You can buy these coffee beans as whole beans or ground coffee, depending on what you prefer.

Read More:

How To Store Coffee Beans And Grounds

10 Interesting Facts About Ethiopian Coffee You Should Know

1. Coffee is an Important Aspect of Ethiopian Culture

Coffee is an important aspect of the Ethiopian culture, and there is a highly respected daily event called the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony.

During the coffee ceremony, Ethiopians roast their coffee beans in a smooth iron pan called a baret metad, which is put on a tiny stove that uses charcoal.

The Ethiopian coffee beans are carefully moved around for even roasting, and they soon begin to crackle, releasing a rich aroma.

The freshly roasted coffee beans are then put onto a wachef (clay plate) or a straw mat, then carried around so that the guest can enjoy the fragrance.

Afterward, the roasted beans are crushed using mortar and pestle or on a stone block. Then they are placed into a clay pot that has already boiling water.

The coffee pot is then removed from the stove and placed into a woven holder to allow the suspended particles to settle.

While Ethiopians use local coffee beans for the ceremonies, those who are outside the country, like in Europe or North America, may use other beans, depending on what is available.

2. Ethiopian Coffee is Served in Small Cups

The Ethiopian method of brewing coffee produces a drink that is usually a strong flavored, rich-tasting. This coffee is then served in very small cups with sugar or salt.

Ethiopian Coffee

The tiny porcelain cups, with no handles, are called sini. They are placed on a tray made from wood called kobot, which is set well on the ceremonial mat.

3. Ethiopian Coffee is Served with no Milk but Lots of Sugar

When it comes to drinking Ethiopian coffee, Ethiopians don’t use milk. Instead, they add lots of sugar to sweeten bitter coffee.

Some communities can also use salt or butter in place of sugar.

However, this doesn’t mean that you should never add sugar to your Ethiopian coffee drink.

You can always sweeten your drink as you wish, even if it’s brewed with Ethiopian coffee brands.

4. Coffee Arabica Was First Discovered in Ethiopia

Did you know that Arabica coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia?

Well, according to legendary accounts, a legend from today’s Oromo people whose name was Kaldi was the first person to recognize the energizing effects of coffee.

Kaldi realized that his goats behaved differently whenever they ate the wild cherries in the bushes.

He was fascinated about the cherries, picked some, and took them to the monk in the monastery.

The monk looked at the berries and threw them into the fire, thinking they had something to do with the devil. However, to their surprise, as the berries burned, a pleasant aroma filled the room.

He then took the beans out of the fire and dissolved them in water to form a drink.

what is arabica coffee bean

Since then, the monks made their traditional tea using coffee and learned that it had many benefits, including giving them energy and healing some diseases.

This is according to the legendary accounts, but to date, there is no direct evidence showing the first person to use coffee as a stimulant before the 15th century.

5. Ethiopia is the 5th Largest Producer in the World.

Coffee production has remained an integral part of Ethiopia’s production for a long time. Ethiopia alone accounts for up to 3% of the global coffee market.

More than 60% of Ethiopia’s foreign income comes from coffee.

The primary type of coffee grown in Ethiopia is Arabica and is grown in four key areas: Sidamo, Yirgacheffe, Harrar, and Limu.

It’s estimated that more than 15 million people in Ethiopia rely on some aspect of coffee production for their livelihood, either directly or indirectly.

6. Processing Methods

Since coffee is the main of Ethiopia’s export, coffee beans are produced through rigorous methods to maintain high quality.

The main processing methods are wet and dry processing. Wet processing involves harvesting, pulping, fermenting, and washing coffee beans. 

For dry processing, the beans are dried immediately after harvesting before processing.

7.  Ethiopian Coffee Was First Exported Since the Middle Ages

Since the middle ages, people were exporting coffee from Ethiopia in the form of beans and seedlings. 

However, the first written document about coffee exports from Ethiopia is from the 19th century.

Coffee Exports from regions like Harar goes back earlier than 1810.

8. Best Ethiopian Coffee Can Be Eaten Raw

Most people wonder if raw coffee cherries are edible. In Ethiopia, you can eat not only coffee cherries but also beans.

Some communities in Ethiopia mix coffee beans with other nuts or cereals and then eat them.

You can also mix coffee cherries with butter and other spices to eat them raw.

9.  Three Arabica Coffee Varieties Are Registered Trademark

There are three Arabica coffee types in Ethiopia that are registered trademark owned by the Ethiopian government.


These varieties are Ethiopian Sidamo, Ethiopian Hara, and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe.

10. Ethiopian Coffee Beans Are High in Acidity

Any coffee that is grown at higher altitudes and volcanic soils tend to produce beans that are higher in acidity.

Ethiopian coffee grows at an altitude of 1500 to 2200 meters above sea level.

While some people think that coffee acidity depends on the soil pH, this is not true.

The acidity in coffee is not related to the soil pH, there are factors such as the roasting process and brewing method that affect the acidity in coffee.

Light roast and medium roast coffee have higher acidity levels than dark roasts.


For hundreds of years, Ethiopia has provided the world with single-origin premium coffee beans loved by many coffee lovers.

If you are yet to try any of the Ethiopian coffee beans provided in this article, I highly recommend that you try them out for a perfect coffee drink.

Ethiopian coffee beans are among the most eclectic and authentic coffee beans you can find in the market.

Most Ethiopian coffee brands provide beans that deliver distinct flavor and aroma profiles.

You can brew Ethiopian coffee today and start your unique journey through the finest and aromatic coffee ever known to man!


What is the best coffee bean in Ethiopia?

Ethiopia is known for its amazing coffee beans, with many different varieties grown across the country. The best coffee beans in Ethiopia are those that come from the Sidamo region. These beans are known for their unique flavor profile and complex acidity. They have a bright, fruity taste that is balanced with a hint of chocolate and spice.

The beans are usually medium-roasted to bring out their full flavor. Other popular Ethiopian beans include Yirgacheffe, Harar, Limmu, and Djimmah. Each of these beans has its own unique flavor profile, making them great for different brewing methods. No matter which type of Ethiopian coffee bean you choose, it will be sure to provide you with an unforgettable cup of coffee.

Why is Yirgacheffe coffee so good?

Yirgacheffe coffee is renowned for its excellent quality and unique flavor, making it one of the world’s most sought-after coffees. The region’s high elevation and ideal climate give Yirgacheffe coffee beans a distinct flavor profile that is complex, sweet, and vibrant. The soil in the region is rich and fertile, giving the beans an intense aroma and bright acidity.

Additionally, these beans are grown under a canopy of shade trees and picked by hand, preserving their delicate flavors. The processing method used for Yirgacheffe coffee also contributes to its unique flavor. Instead of being machine processed like many other coffees, Yirgacheffe beans are wet processed by hand, preserving their natural sweetness.

This traditional method results in a cup of coffee that is full-bodied, sweet, and aromatic, with notes of citrus, berry, and chocolate. Overall, Yirgacheffe coffee is a deliciously unique experience that is sure to delight any coffee lover.

Does Ethiopia have the best coffee?

Ethiopia is widely known for its coffee, and the country is often referred to as the birthplace of coffee. Ethiopian coffee is renowned for its distinctive flavor, which is often described as having a rich, earthy taste with hints of fruit and flowers. The country produces a variety of different types of beans, including Arabica, Robusta, and others. Ethiopia also has a long history of cultivating, harvesting, and producing coffee, which is part of why it has developed such a unique flavor.
That said, whether or not Ethiopia has the best coffee is ultimately subjective. Coffee is a highly personal experience, and what one person may consider the best cup of coffee may be completely different from what another person thinks. Additionally, different regions and countries produce their own unique and flavorful coffees, so it’s difficult to definitively name Ethiopia as the sole producer of the best coffee. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference.

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