how to make frothed milk

12 Ways Of Making Frappuccino At Home And How To Make It

There are many ways of making Frappuccino at home with some simple ingredients and toppings that will best suit your taste buds. Frappuccino makes one of the best drinks that can easily be made at home.

Being a trademarked brand for Starbucks, frappuccino is relatively easy to make; it is made up of crème or coffee that is blended with ice and other vital ingredients that will best suit you. Often frappuccino is topped up with flavored syrup and whipped cream.

There are several relative methods that you can use to create your own frappuccino with the utmost ease. Therefore, in this article, we shall be discussing how to make a frappuccino

What Are Needed In Making Frappuccino At Home?

Making a frappuccino is relatively easy, and it only takes 2 minutes of your time; all that is required of you is to have the following essential ingredients;

  1. Ice. It is highly advisable to use crushed ice. Take your ice cubes, place them in a zip-top bag, and then use the back of your spoon to break them into smaller pieces carefully.
  2. Coffee. To make a great frappuccino, you will need a strong coffee or an espresso coffee. You might consider using a home espresso maker, or you can brew a strong coffee for use.
  3. Milk. When it comes to milk, you should consider using half and half, milk, or milk alternatives such as almond, soy, or oat milk to give you the taste.
  4. Sweeteners. For the best taste, you will need to use a sweetener of your choices, such as granulated sugar or other sugar alternatives such as honey or stevia.
  5.  Toppings. Chocolate syrup and whipped cream will give you the fancy coffee taste.

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  •  2 cups of crushed ice
  •  A cup of strong coffee or espresso.
  •  Â¾ cups of half and half or any other milk alternative you prefer; soy, oat, or almond milk.
  •  2 tablespoons of granulated sugar or any other sugar substitute; honey or stevia
  • Whipped and chocolate syrup; however, these ingredients are optional.

Making a frappuccino

To make your frappuccino, you will need to follow these simple and highly effective steps;

  1.  Blending. First, you will need to blend your milk, strong coffee or espresso, ice, and sweeteners together until they mix correctly.
  2.  Pouring. Once you are done blending, pour the mixture in a glass and then add your preferred toppings; whipped cream and the chocolate syrup.
  3.  Serve. You will then serve immediately for you to enjoy every sip.

1. How To Make Frappuccino At Home

If you live in an area without a Starbucks down the block, you can as well make your own delicious blended coffee at home. It will only take you less than 5 minutes and 6 different essential ingredients.


  • 12 ounces of espresso or very strong brewed coffee chilled to perfection
  •  8 ounces of whole milk; you might add more to taste
  • 1/3 cup of sweetened condensed milk
  • A tablespoon of vanilla extract
  •  Â¼ cup of chocolate syrup.
  • ½ cup of semi-water chocolate chips
  •  Whipped cream
  •  Â¼ cup of half and half


  1.  Blend. You will start by pouring your espresso or concentrated brewed coffee in a blender and then add milk. It is best to use whole milk for incredible taste; however, you can still choose milk of your preference. Ensure that you don’t add too much milk until it becomes super creamy to have a coffee taste.
  2. Sweetened milk. Add your favorite sweetened milk for a perfect taste. Once done, you will have to add simple syrup or straight sugar; however, this is optional since sweetened milk is full of flavor.
  3. Ice cubes. You will then have to add ice cubes and then blend the mixture until the ice cubes are broken to perfection, giving your frappuccino a smooth texture.
  4.  Serve. Before serving, you might consider adding whipped cream and chocolate chips to add more flavor to your frappuccino.
making frappuccino at home

2. How To Make Frappuccino Mocha At Home

Just like any other frappuccino, making frappuccino mocha is relatively easy; with this recipe, you will be able to save money and time. Making frappuccino mocha will only take you a minute of your time.


  •  2 shots of espresso that is well chilled or 80ml of strongly brewed coffee
  •  80 ml or ½ cup of milk
  •  A tablespoon of granulated sugar or 8.3 grams
  •  A cup of large ice cubes.
  • 30 ml or 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup
  •  Chocolate syrup and whipped cream.


  1.  Blend. You will have to add a cup of ice cubes along with ½ cup of chilled strongly brewed coffee or espresso in a blender and then blend it to mix. The Nespresso Roma capsule, which is strongly brewed, will do the trick just well and ensure that your milk is chilled to perfection.
  2. Milk. Take you ½ cup of milk (it can either be low-fat, full-fat or soy depending on your liking), 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup and a tablespoon of granulated sugar and add in your mixture.
  3. 30-sec blending. Once done, you will blend the entire mixture for 30 seconds for it to smoothen to perfection.
  4.  Serve. Serve immediately to enjoy your drink while it is perfectly chilled.

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3. How To Make Frappuccino Without Coffee

Not all frappuccinos are coffee-based; this means that you can have a frappuccino without coffee. Various popular frappuccinos do not feature coffee, including; the vanilla bean crème frappuccino, mocha crème frappuccino with java chips, strawberries, and crème frappuccino and the green tea frappuccino among other flavors. Making a frappuccino without coffee is relatively easy, just like a frappuccino with coffee.


  • A cup of large ice cubes
  • 2/3 cup milk
  •  3 tablespoons of caramel syrup
  •  A tablespoon of caramel sauce
  •  2 big scoops of vanilla ice cream
  •  Whipped cream and caramel sauce
  •  Xanthan gum; however, this is optional


  1.  Add ingredients. You will add the ingredients in your blender; start with a cup of large ice cubes followed by 2/3 cup of milk of your choice. Add 3 tablespoons of the caramel syrup, a tablespoon of your caramel sauce, 2 scoops of the vanilla ice cream along with a pinch of Xanthan gum.
  2.  Blend. Once you have all your ingredients in place, you will blend them for 30 seconds or until the mixture mixes, giving your frappuccino a smooth texture.
  3.  Serve. You will serve your frappuccino without coffee immediately; you might consider topping with whipped cream and the caramel sauce.

4. How To Make Frappuccino With Coffee

As a coffee enthusiast, you will definitely want a frappuccino with coffee. With these ingredients, you will be able to make one of the best frappuccinos with coffee for an afternoon coffee break during summertime.


  •  1 and ½ cups of crushed ice
  •  1 to 2-ounces of espresso shots or ¾ cup of double strong coffee which is mixed with ½ cup of milk and add crushed ice ¼ cup.
  •  Â¾ cup milk of your choice
  •  3 tablespoons of sugar; you might add more or less depending on your preference.
  •  Whipped cream and chocolate syrup; optional.


  1.  Add the ingredients. Take all your ingredients and add them together in a blender. You might consider using the amount of ingredients as previously mentioned or to your preference.
  2.  Blend. Once all the ingredients are in the blender, you will mix them together for approximately 30 to 45 seconds or until the mixture develops a smooth texture.
  3.  Serve. You will serve your coffee frappuccino immediately and enjoy every sip. You might consider adding whipped cream and chocolate syrup as toppings for more flavors.

5. How To Make A Frappuccino With Icecream

As an ice cream lover, having a frappuccino with ice cream is one of the best summertime beverages. Making one of it is relatively easy, and it requires some simple ingredients that are available in your local store. This beverage is ideal for use as a dessert, movie times, or snack as well.


  •  A cup of vanilla ice cream
  •  8 ounces of strong coffee perfectly chilled
  •  1/3 cup of ice
  •  Sweetener of your choice for a perfect taste
  •  A bit of milk of your choice; soy almond or dairy milk.


  1.  Ice and vanilla. First of all, you will have to blend your ice and vanilla ice cream together in a blender.
  2. Add sweeteners. Once that is done, you will add sweeteners and coffee and then mix the mixture to form a smooth consistency.
  3. Serve. When the mixture is perfectly smooth, pour in your glass and enjoy every sip.
  4.  Toppings. You can add whipped cream and chocolate sauce if you love it for additional flavor.

Read More:

How to Choose From Frothed or Steamed Milk

6. How To Make A Frappuccino With Instant Coffee

Making an instant coffee frappuccino is a bit different when compared to other frappuccinos flavors out there; instead of ice cubes only, you will require both hot water and ice cubes when preparing it. However, this does not mean it is hard; preparing an instant coffee frappuccino is relatively easy as well.


  •  4 cups of ice
  •  1 cup of hot water
  •  4 tablespoons of instant coffee granules
  •  5 tablespoons of sugar
  •  Â¾ cup of cream
  •  1/3 cup of Hershey or Caramel syrup.
  •  Whip cream


  1.  Melt your ingredients. Melt your instant coffee crystal along with the granulated sugar in a cup of hot water and then stir.
  2.  Add ingredients. Once that is done, you will drop some ice cubes in hot water to cool it off. You will then combine all the ingredients together in a blender and puree.
  3.  Serve. You will then serve your instant coffee frappuccino with whipped cream and chocolate sauce if you like it.

7. How To Make A Frappuccino At Home Without Coffee 

If you are not a coffee fan, you might consider making a frappuccino without coffee at home. The best part is that it still has some amazing taste irrespective of it not having coffee. This is a chocolate chip frappuccino;


  • 1 and ½ cup of milk; you might consider using 2%, whole, skim, or non-dairy milk.
  •  1 and ½ tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  •  1/3 cup of mini chocolate chips; you should consider saving some for topping.
  •  3 tablespoons of chocolate syrup
  •  1 and ½ to 2 cups of fresh ice.
  •  Â¼ tablespoon of vanilla extract
  •  A pinch of cinnamon’ it is optional
  •  Â¼ teaspoons of xanthan gum; option as well
  •  Drizzle syrup
  •  Whipped cream


  1.  Add ingredients. Take all your ingredients and add them in a blender and blend them until it becomes smooth. You should consider starting with 1 and ½ cups of ice prior to adding some more.
  2.  Serve. Once your beverage is smooth in texture, you can pour it in a glass and enjoy every sip.
  3.  Toppings. You might consider adding some more drizzle, whipped cream and syrup and chips for additional flavor.

8. How To Make A Frappuccino Without Coffee Or Ice cream

You don’t need Starbucks to enjoy a frappuccino without coffee or ice cream since you can make one from home. This version is a low-carb and gluten-free frappuccino; this makes it perfect for individuals who are on a ketogenic diet and allergic to gluten. Furthermore, this recipe is simple and takes only a few minutes for it to be ready.


  •  Milk or almond milk
  • Vanilla beans
  • Ice
  •  Sweeteners; sugar, honey, sugar-free alternatives such as monk fruit or swerve
  •  Frozen whip cream; fat-free, low fat, or a frozen coconut whipped cream.


  1.  Prepare your vanilla bean. This might be a bit challenging when doing it for the first time. You will have to slice it lengthwise and to expose tiny black seeds. You will then use a sharp knife and scrape them off and set it aside.
  2. Blend. Once your vanilla beans are ready, you will add the whipped cream, ice, sweetener, and the vanilla bean seed in a blender and blend it until it develops a smooth, creamy texture.
  3.  Serve. Once the mixture becomes thick and creamy, you can serve immediately to enjoy every sip. You can add some whipped cream as a topping for extra flavor.

9. How To Make A Frappuccino Caramel

Making a frappuccino caramel is relatively easy, and these ingredients offer an incredible version of the best frappuccino coffee shop beverage. To make a frappuccino caramel, you will require the following essential ingredients;


  •  A teaspoon of vanilla
  •  4 cups of ice
  •  Â½ cup of black coffee; should be chilled
  •  Â¼ cup of whole milk
  •  2 tablespoons of caramel syrup or sauce
  • Whipped cream and caramel sauce
  • Making a frappuccino caramel


  1.  Add all the ingredients. To make a frappuccino caramel, you will need to add all the vital ingredients together in a blender.
  2.  Blend. Once that is done, you will blend all the ingredients together until it becomes smooth.
  3. Serve. When the mixture forms a smooth texture, you will serve it immediately in a glass. You might consider adding whipped cream and caramel sauce as a topping.

10. How To Make A Vanilla Frappuccino

To make a vanilla frappuccino, you will require the following essential ingredients;


  •  2 cups of ice
  •  A cup of heavy cream
  •  Â¼ cup of sugar
  •  Â½ teaspoon vanilla extract


  1.  Add ingredients. Take your heavy cream, ice, vanilla extract, and sugar and then add them into a blender.
  2.  Blend. Once they are all in place, you will blend them until it becomes smooth in texture.
  3.  Serve. You will serve your frappuccino caramel immediately its ready. You might consider adding whipped cream as your topping.

11. How To Make A Starbucks Frappuccino At Home

Making a Starbucks frappuccino at home will only take you 5 minutes, and it is relatively easy. You will require the following ingredients to make 1 serving;


  •  2 shots of espresso; perfectly chilled
  •  1/3 cup of milk
  •  1 tablespoon of granulated sugar
  •  1 cup of large ice cubes
  •  2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup
  •  Whipped cream and chocolate syrup


  1.  Ingredients. Take a cup of ice cubes along with 1/3 cup of espresso; ensure it is perfectly chilled.
  2.  Milk. Once that is done, add ½ cup of milk of your preference along with 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar and some 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup.
  3.  Blend. You will then blend all your ingredients together for approximately 30 seconds or until it becomes smooth.
  4.  Serve. Once ready, serve and enjoy immediately, you can top with whipped cream and chocolate syrup.

12. How To Make A Frappuccino Without A Blender

You don’t need a blender to make a frappuccino; you might consider using a Slush Mug instead. To do this, you will require;


  •  6 cups of milk
  •  Â½ cup of strong coffee
  •  24 tablespoons of syrup
  •  Slush mug
  •  Spoon
  •  Freezer
  •  Reusable straw


  1.  Freezing slush mug. You will need to freeze your slush mug core for approximately 6 to 12 hours in your freezer.
  2.  Add ingredients. Take all your ingredients and mix them together in a slush mug.
  3.  Stir the ingredients. You should then stir the ingredients for a few minutes. Scrap off any frozen drink that is sticking in your cup. Ensure your drink remains mixed and slushie.
  4. Serve. Once you are done, you can serve and enjoy your drink.


1. How do you blend a frappuccino?

Blending a frappuccino is relatively easy; all that is required of you is to put espresso, ice, sugar, milk, and other ingredients in a blender. Once this is set, you will blend your mixtures until it becomes thick and smooth; by doing so, you will be making your favorite beverage of frappuccino. Once it is done, you might consider serving it in a glass with some toppings of your desire; it can be whipped cream or a caramel sauce.

2. How do you make a frappuccino thicker?

To make your frappuccino thicker, you might consider using a vanilla smoothie powder or a vanilla soft-serve ice cream. The powder will help in adding extra flavor and thickens up your frappuccino. You might also consider using Jell-O or any other brand for instant pudding; you should use half of the package for perfect thickness. In addition to that, you might as well use maple syrup, ice cream, and sweetened condensed milk for ideal thickness.

3. How to make a caramel frappuccino without coffee?

Making a Caramel Frappuccino without coffee is simple and delicious. Here’s a recipe for a Coffee-Free Caramel Frappuccino:

1 cup of ice cubes
1 cup of milk (any type – regular, almond, soy, etc.)
3 tablespoons of caramel syrup
1 tablespoon of sugar (optional, for added sweetness)
Whipped cream for topping
Extra caramel syrup for drizzling

Blend Ingredients: In a blender, combine the ice cubes, milk, caramel syrup, and sugar (if using). Blend until smooth and icy.
Pour into Glass: Pour the blended mixture into a glass.
Add Whipped Cream: Top your Frappuccino with a generous amount of whipped cream.
Drizzle with Caramel: Drizzle additional caramel syrup over the whipped cream for an extra caramel flavor.
Serve and Enjoy: Serve immediately with a straw and enjoy your homemade Coffee-Free Caramel Frappuccino!
Note: You can also add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to the blender for a creamier texture.

4. How to make a mocha frappe without a blender?

Making a Mocha Frappe without a blender is possible, though the texture might be slightly different. Here’s a simple recipe:

1 cup of cold brewed coffee or cold instant coffee
2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup
1 tablespoon of sugar (optional, for added sweetness)
1/2 cup of milk (any type – regular, almond, soy, etc.)
Ice cubes
Whipped cream for topping
Chocolate shavings or cocoa powder for garnish (optional)

Chill Coffee: If you haven’t already, make sure your coffee is cold. You can brew it ahead of time and refrigerate it.
Mix Chocolate Syrup and Coffee: In a large glass or jar with a lid, combine the cold coffee and chocolate syrup. Stir well to combine.
Add Sugar: If you like your Mocha Frappe sweeter, add sugar to taste and stir until dissolved.
Add Milk: Pour in the milk and stir to combine.
Shake with Ice: Fill the glass or jar with ice cubes, secure the lid, and shake vigorously for about 30 seconds. If you don’t have a jar with a lid, you can use a cocktail shaker or simply stir vigorously with a spoon.
Serve with Toppings: Pour the mixture into a serving glass (if you used a jar), and top with whipped cream. Sprinkle with chocolate shavings or a dusting of cocoa powder if desired.
Enjoy: Serve immediately with a straw and enjoy your homemade Mocha Frappe without a blender!
Note: The texture will be less creamy compared to a blended Frappe, but shaking it with ice helps to give it a frothy and chilled texture.

5. How to make a frappuccino without ice?

Making a Frappuccino without ice is possible by using frozen ingredients to achieve the cold and creamy texture. Here’s a simple recipe:

1 cup of frozen coffee cubes (freeze brewed coffee in an ice cube tray)
1/2 cup of milk (any type – regular, almond, soy, etc.)
2 tablespoons of flavored syrup (vanilla, caramel, chocolate, etc.)
1 tablespoon of sugar (optional, for added sweetness)
Whipped cream for topping
Additional toppings like chocolate chips, caramel drizzle, or cocoa powder (optional)

Prepare Frozen Coffee Cubes: Brew coffee and let it cool. Pour it into an ice cube tray and freeze until solid. This step should be done ahead of time.
Blend Ingredients: In a blender, combine the frozen coffee cubes, milk, flavored syrup, and sugar (if using). Blend until smooth and creamy.
Pour into Glass: Pour the blended mixture into a glass.
Add Whipped Cream and Toppings: Top your Frappuccino with a generous amount of whipped cream. Add additional toppings like chocolate chips, caramel drizzle, or a sprinkle of cocoa powder if desired.
Serve and Enjoy: Serve immediately with a straw and enjoy your homemade Frappuccino without ice!
Note: Using frozen coffee cubes instead of ice prevents the Frappuccino from becoming watered down as it would with regular ice cubes.

Final verdict

Making a frappuccino at home will not only help you to save money but also save you time. Therefore, as we conclude, we hope that this article has been of great benefit when it comes to making a frappuccino from home.

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